Anyone else overwhelmed by the prospect of looking perfect on your wedding day? The beauty routine alone, is enough to cause moments of paper bag breathing. Perhaps I’m just not one of those look-at-my-perfect-skin-and-movie-star-white-teeth brides.
I know I should be washing my face and exfoliating and primping and prissing but I have to be honest, most nights all I want to do after a long day of work is crawl into bed and shut my eyes. I don’t want to brush my teeth. I don’t want to put on teeth whitener. I don’t want to wash my face. I don’t want to exfoliate. I don’t want to apply eye cream. I don’t want to tweeze my eyebrows. I just want to sleep. And you know what…there are more nights than I care to admit that that’s exactly what I do. Please tell me I’m not alone.
The same goes for my workout routine. Of course, I use the term “routine” lightly as it’s more of a when-I’m-interested-in-getting-out-of-bed-early type of thing.
The downside to this is that when I don’t do these things, I can immediately see a difference (and feel a difference). So I’ve devised a way to help create a mental picture that will keep me going in the moments when all I want to do is snooze.
- Remind myself of how great I feel when I’m eating right, exercising and taking care of my body. I have more energy, my clothes fit better and my spirits are overall pretty high.
- Revisit bathing suit photos from last summer and realize this summer is just mere months away…helloooo honeymoon.
- Watch shows and read blogs that provide pure motivation for getting back into a regular habit of overall health…anyone participated in 100 pushups? Talk about killer upper body for a strapless dress.
- And, when all else fails, I take a weekend for me. I make lists. I run errands. Go for a walk. Read a book. I get my life back on track, in a good place and start fresh. We’re talking squeaky clean – it’s never too late to begin again, my friends.
Anyone else have motivation secrets to share? After a full day of work and spending spare time planning a wedding, I think all brides can relate the mile-long list of to-dos and agree the easiest ones to neglect are the ones just for you…am I right?!
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