Yes, it’s true. I’ve joined the throngs of brides-to-be who are in crunch time (no pun intended) to get in shape for the wedding. At the beginning of the year I decided to change my eating habits and see what kind of an impact it would make. I wasn’t really looking for a physical change, more just interested in feeling better. And I must say, just changing my food choices has had a pretty significant impact. Am I crazy, has anyone else experienced this?
Okay, so I don’t exactly look like her. But here are the small things I’ve done so far food wise…then we’ll explore…ugh…exercise. Can you see how thrilled I am about the physical activity part?
I’ve cut out or tried to limit the following:
- red meat
- white flour (and related items like white bread, standard pasta, etc.)
- white rice
- excessive carbs (how I miss thee)
- wine (that’s a painful one…I’m not crying, my eyes are just watering a little…move along, nothing to see here)
It may help that I don’t drink coffee or soda – just not my thing. And I’m not a big sweets person, I’m more of the savory type so I’ll pass on a big plate of cookies or candy for a basket of fries any day. But then again, my potato friends are how I ended up out of shape in the first place. Oh how I miss fries. Le sigh.
In this short time, I’ve found that my clothes fit just a little bit better. I’ve also found that my skin is clearer and any random moments of indigestion are gone. Aren’t you glad you know that about me? I know, you’re welcome. The other improvement is something that (in the past) made me a bit of an anomaly amongst my friends. I’m that girl that will immediately look pregnant upon eating a full meal. Perhaps I have very weak stomach muscles, perhaps my eyes are consistently bigger than my stomach or perhaps I’m due to give birth to a food baby any day now. The good news is, I rarely have food baby moments these days…it’s a whole new world, really.
Moving on…the working out portion. Am I about to lose some of you? Yeah, it’s fine. I totally get that. So in the past I’ve done P90X – I did about 60 days and I will say that it was a great experience but it’s super hardcore. This time around, I’m letting Frogger take on Tony and the P90X crew while I tackle a new routine. I’ve also gone the gym trainer route and although that’s a great option, it’s just not in the budget. So, the options are as follows:
- One hundred push ups – I love the idea of crafting toned arms and upper body for the big day but wow, 100 push ups in six weeks? I’d love to know someone who’s been able to do it! Go Hot Wings, Go!
- From couch to 5k – Now this is intriguing. For one, it speaks to the fact that even now, as I type, I’m sitting next to Frogger enjoying our couch time. I’ve never been much of a runner but the idea of being able to run a 5k in just two months…holy impressive.
- 30 day shred – The internets are all abuzz with Jillian Michaels and her latest vid. Apparently, if you follow it, it can be a butt kicking workout – and one that promises to tone you up in just 20 minutes a day!
I debated which to try out – and ultimately decided that 30 Day Shred was the most appealing to me. Initially I tried to do a full 30 days in a row but honestly, it was really hard to make it happen Life just got in the way. I'd say my average is 5 days/week and I feel pretty good about that. I have yet to move up to level 3 (there are 3 levels and when you feel you've mastered one, you move up to the next and so on) but I can say - it is a TOTAL workout. The whole idea of a 20 minute workout sounded way too good to be true but holy hell, she really kicks your ass.
What about you? Have any of you participated in any of these workouts?
PS – I’m boycotting Wii Fit - although that's an option for some - I refuse to believe I am the "fit age" that it keeps telling me.
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