Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One Month

Tap…tap…this thing on?

Hey friends – sorry to be a bit MIA, married life has been blissful so I took a couple of weeks to enjoy. And can you believe it, yesterday was exactly one month since Laid Back Groom and I got hitched?! In that time, there’s been a flurry of activity in our happy lives:

We spent a few days enjoying time on the lake as a sort of mini-moon after the wedding.

I flew back to Seattle from Arizona to stand beside a childhood friend as she married her darling man. Doesn’t she look gorgeous?


I’ve been working on a variety of side projects both inside the wedding world and outside – I’m very excited to share the wedding related ones with you but we need a bit more time to work out the kinks…hold please :)

We resized Laid Back Groom’s wedding band (it was just a tad too big) – we want that thing permanently attached to his finger…okay me, I want it permanently attached…what, why are you making that face?

We…okay, I have obsessively checked our photographers’ blog multiple times daily every few days or so to check for a sneak peek of our professional photos, no such luck so far. Hi Stephanie and Isaac! :)

We have surrounded ourselves in boxes as we open the incredibly generous gifts we have received from our guests.

We have spent fun nights in together, enjoying a warm meal and a glass of wine.

As soon as I receive the pro pics, I’ll be able to start some fun recaps…until then we are in honeymoon countdown. Looks like the nights of wine and cheese may need to head back into hiding for another month or so…hmm.

And because I couldn’t just leave you hanging without some sort of wedding photo goodness, I’ll include a few of my favorite shots from guests. Thank you Facebook and iRave, you are a bride’s best friend when she’s fiending for photos.

Can’t wait to show you more!