When you first get engaged, once you’ve come down from the high of “Holy hell, I’m getting married!” you start to think of the people who you must have standing by your side.
After being a wedding blog stalker for many months years (I’m all about being transparent here), I discovered that there are actually people out there who do fun things (instead of just a simple phone call or lunch) to ask friends to be in the wedding party. Who knew?! Of course this got my wheels turning and in true Froggie fashion, I had no choice but to shower the girls I love with a little over-the-top humor.
I have five girls total standing up with me:
Matron of Honor: Banannie
Maid of Honor: Big Apple
Bridesmaid: Creeker
Bridesmaid: Belle
Bridesmaid: Berk
Four out of the five lived right near me at the time so I was able to meet with them in person and see their reactions to the cards I created. The fifth was sent in the mail followed by a fantastic phone call filled with laughter. Without further ado…here’s what my girls were given:

Never mind my practice C’s in the background…move along, nothing to see here.

Don’t be jealous of my paint skeelz

Although you didn’t ask for it and really there’s not much to it, I will give you the “I’m not allowed to call it a DIY because it was way too easy” DIY.
Step 1 – Consult your best friend Google for an image of a scary looking bridesmaid dress. Sorry hot pink dress girl but your dress is hid.e.ous.
Step 2 – Print out copies of said image on your cheapie home printer.
Step 3 – Grab leftover construction paper from (I’m guessing) elementary school since you don’t remember the last time you used it or why you even have it. Cut paper to same size as image.
Step 4 – Use leftover mega-size index cards previously meant as exam-cram flashcards from college and fold in half.
Step 5 – Cut out rectangles of black construction paper and use white-out pen to write “CENSORED” on them…are you still with me? I know, this is all very difficult and confusing.
Step 6 – Take folded index card as base, paste colored construction paper square on cover, top with scary dress image and protect that poor girl’s face with the censored rectangle.
Step 7 – Write obnoxious message inside that only your friends could possibly appreciate.

Voila! You are set to ask your favorite girls to stand by your side on your big day.
Now that you’ve seen the incredibly labor intensive cards I created (insert sarcasm font here) to ask them to be my bridesmaids, I think it’s time for a proper introduction.

Banannie and I met nearly 10 years ago while working together at a resort in Phoenix. We share a sense of humor, love of cooking and desire to travel. But the main reason I’ve kept her around is that she used to be a bartender so she knows how to make a killer cocktail.
Big Apple

Big Apple and I shared a first day of work together and have been close ever since. We eventually became roommates bonding over bad furniture, burnt food and cheap wine. As my most common happy hour friend, Big Apple was fully supportive of a wedding in Washington’s wine country. She’s even offered her services at the wine tasting…

I honestly can’t remember when I met Creeker, it seems as though we’ve been friends forever! We share a strong love for country music and making people dress up in funny costumes. Creeker works for a world class resort in Sedona…Creeker, we accept vacations as gifts, just saying.

I met Belle back when we lived in neighboring apartment complexes and soon became close friends. Belle always knows how to host a great party…perhaps she can give us a break and just finish out our planning – no pressure.

Berk is my oldest friend, we have known each other for almost 20 years. We survived the turmoil of middle school and threw our caps together at high school graduation. I decided to go out of state for college, Berk decided to go out state for college; I majored in PR, Berk majored in PR; I am now getting married…Berk, looks like you’re up – stalker.
Aren’t my girls just FAB? I adore them and luckily they are all as goofy and geeky as I am – plus, they allow me to say obnoxious things about them in my blog posts. Now that’s friendship.
How did you ask your friends to be in your wedding?