Being incredibly modest, this gift was a pretty big leap for me. And it's thanks to Weddingbee that I even knew what a boudoir session was!

My first step was finding out if my photographer would be able to do this for me. There was no mention of it in her service list...luckily, she was willing to give it a shot. On one hand, being the guinea pig was exciting because we were able to make up the rules as we went along. On the other hand, it was a bit intimidating since there was no example to follow and well, I'd be in my skivvies.
After a long conversation with my photographer, I was feeling better about the whole idea. We talked about different things I could wear that would create the sexy vibe without giving away the farm (don't I know how to take the sexy out of that statement?). I wouldn't say I was at ease necessarily although definitely feeling more comfortable. But (there's always a but)...she made a point to mention that it would be a very good idea to have my makeup done professionally for the shoot.
This was news I was not expecting. Now, don't get me wrong - if I could have someone else do my makeup professionally everyday before I left the house, I'd be happy as a clam but in this case, I hadn't really budgeted for this detail. Enter the incredibly talented Susie Chhuor!
I found Susie and not only was she super accommodating - squeezing me in during a time when she was moving to a new studio space - but she was friendly and very warm. She was just the person I needed to help me feel my best before this incredibly awkward experience I was going to put myself through. And let me just say...the girl works miracles. I have NEVER looked better. If I had been able to, I would have flown her to my wedding site - she was THAT good.
Now I know you all want to see the finished product...and as I said earlier, I'm pretty modest. But (see, there's that but again), I also understand how important photos are. So because I just love this hive, I'm going to share a few. Friends and family - can you please look away? I feel awkward thinking about all of you seeing these. Speaking of, is that strange that I would rather have people I've never met see this photos instead of people I know well? In my head that is a perfectly normal thought...yes, I realize that makes me weird.
Okay - you've waited long you go - deep breath...

After a long conversation with my photographer, I was feeling better about the whole idea. We talked about different things I could wear that would create the sexy vibe without giving away the farm (don't I know how to take the sexy out of that statement?). I wouldn't say I was at ease necessarily although definitely feeling more comfortable. But (there's always a but)...she made a point to mention that it would be a very good idea to have my makeup done professionally for the shoot.
This was news I was not expecting. Now, don't get me wrong - if I could have someone else do my makeup professionally everyday before I left the house, I'd be happy as a clam but in this case, I hadn't really budgeted for this detail. Enter the incredibly talented Susie Chhuor!
I found Susie and not only was she super accommodating - squeezing me in during a time when she was moving to a new studio space - but she was friendly and very warm. She was just the person I needed to help me feel my best before this incredibly awkward experience I was going to put myself through. And let me just say...the girl works miracles. I have NEVER looked better. If I had been able to, I would have flown her to my wedding site - she was THAT good.
Now I know you all want to see the finished product...and as I said earlier, I'm pretty modest. But (see, there's that but again), I also understand how important photos are. So because I just love this hive, I'm going to share a few. Friends and family - can you please look away? I feel awkward thinking about all of you seeing these. Speaking of, is that strange that I would rather have people I've never met see this photos instead of people I know well? In my head that is a perfectly normal thought...yes, I realize that makes me weird.
Okay - you've waited long you go - deep breath...

And breezing past the awkward feelings that have creeped in around me, I'm going to cut right to Frogger opening his gift. *Images blurred for my sanity.

Do you think he liked it? Yeah, me too.
Are you planning to do a boudoir session for your groom? Are you as embarrassed as I am, having posted photos like these on the internets?
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