Let's press the rewind button for a moment, shall we?
Shortly after our wedding last summer, I saw a query from Brides Magazine calling for brides to submit a quote about a song that was a "must play" at their wedding reception. This immediately struck a chord with me because our group of friends has a tradition with one specific song that is played at every wedding. When this song comes on, we all circle around the bride and groom...and then, we sing along at the top of our lungs. It's quite a sight (*hint - you'll be seeing this fabulous display of insanity when I get to that part of the recaps). Needless to say, I had to at least give it a shot and submit.
I was SHOCKED that we were one of the couples chosen! They asked for a selection of photos and that was that. I then waited MONTHS for this issue to finally come out...and behold, here it is! Eeeep!

Let's go in for a close-up...

Sorry it's so grainy...but you get the idea. :) I just had to share this with all of you since I know the hive understands how much fun this is!
Do you have a "must play" song for your reception?