Choosing to throw a Rehearsal Party was one of the best decisions we made. Not only was it mega-fun...it gave us an opportunity to spend as much time as possible with our guests - guests that had traveled very far to be there in support of us.

Do you see that face I'm making up there? I'd say that's a level 7 party face...we'll continue to monitor this trend as we move through the weekend.
So the party...my fantastic in-laws volunteered their lakehouse for the affair and we couldn't have loved that more. We had a local winery cater the event - their BBQ is AMAZING - and we looooove their wine.

As the evening continued, we all enjoyed watching the sun dip down to the mountains above the lake...it really could not have been a better night. Good wine, tasty food, incredible company - I can only hope everyone gets an experience like that.

Catching those last few moments of sun, Frogger and I had a little impromptu photo sesh on the dock with our photographers...

And just so you all realize that we are nowhere near as charming and lovely as these photos would lead you to believe...

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